Content & Social Media Management

Golovko Homes

Situation: Bay Area Realtor was looking for a Marketing Expert to manage the content for her real estate business.

The Task at Hand: I was hired as a marketing lead freelancer to implement a content marketing strategy in order to nurture previous clients/leads through blog writing and website updating, while also building social engagement on their social media channels (specifically Facebook & Instagram).

What Did I Do (Action):

  • Did thorough market research of competitors in the area and real estate industry. I wanted to make sure I was filled on what most realtors were talking about on social media and how we could be different in such a competitive market.

  • Created a marketing strategy and content strategy for Golovko Homes to build more engagement within their existing client base. This strategy included short-form videos for Instagram and Facebook, creating a Tik Tok account to further engage through video content, and creating written content for their website in order to help optimize the website for search engines.


  • From April - August 2022, content engagement increased by 60%.

  • From April - August 2022, the number of followers increased by 10%.

  • Within the first month of posting content, we saw a 150% increase in organic reach on Instagram.

Content and Social Media Managing

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Content Creation


Marketing Management